英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-09-19 20:58:53
  • 英英释义

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in high spirits


1. happy and excited and energetic

Synonym: high


1. 兴高采烈:In doing we learn. 在干中学 | in high spirits 兴高采烈 | in hot water 在困境中

2. in high spirits的近义词

2. 心情很好:in good shape 处于很好的状态,身体很好 | in high spirits 心情很好 | in low spirits 心情不好

3. in high spirits是什么意思

3. 兴致勃勃:才能 talent; ability | 热恋 to be passionately in love | 兴致勃勃 in high spirits

4. 情绪高涨:in harmony with 与...和睦相处 | in high spirits 情绪高涨 | in less than no time 立刻,马上

  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

Li Ming and I took part in a wilderness survival program yesterday. Just before the dawn, we set out on foot in high spirits.(昨天我和李明参加了一个野外生存训练。就在黎明前,我们兴高采烈地步行出发了。)
I am glad to always find her in high spirits.(我对经常看到她情绪高涨感到很高兴。)
Mother was in high spirits and seemed strong; she just wanted to check in and tell me she loved me.(她兴致很高,好像身体也很好;她只是想打个电话给我报平安,告诉我,她爱我。)
People were in high spirits because victory was the corner.(人们都兴高采烈,因为胜利能上能马上就要到来。)
You seem in high spirits.(你好像情绪很高涨。)
It was the last day of the semester and everyone was in high spirits.(那时那学期最后一天了,每个人都兴致勃勃。)
Although Jimmy was very weak in his last days, he was still in high spirits.(6在他最后的日子里,吉米虽然很虚弱,但依旧情绪饱满。)
Moreover, when in high spirits, I'll sing several folk songs.(而且,兴致高昂时,我会唱几首民谣。)
John is in high spirits at the prospect.(约翰对前景充满希望。)
At supper, everyone was in high spirits.(晚饭时每个人都情绪高昂。)
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